How to develop local leadership teams
Published on: 30/08/2022
Alongside independent consultant Peter Townsley, TRANSFORM is delighted to launch four new reports describing the tools and techniques to develop local leadership teams.
The development of a competent and focused local leadership team is a solid foundation for the success of any enterprise. To help two of our enterprises do just that, TRANSFORM worked with Peter Townsley to offer coaching to their in-country General Managers, strengthen their local teams and build their capabilities.
Having coached executives at five social enterprises in the last few years, Peter noticed some repeating patterns where these enterprises were stumbling and developed tools and approaches that could help.
We asked him to summarise these into four new reports:
Topic 1: Building your local leadership team and other key personnel
The importance of an early focus on the development of a local executive team.
Topic 2: Tools for developing performance teams
How to set clear business priorities and activities using the Master Plan tool and sprint cycles.
Topic 3: How to improve the efficiency of your business operations
How to use business process mapping and business process improvement to streamline the operations of an enterprise.
Topic 4: Bridging the skills gaps – ensuring your senior leadership team has the skills you need
How to complete skills gap analysis and some principles for managing poor performance or recruiting to fill gap.

For Nicholas Kuria, who Peter coached as part of TRANSFORM’s support to Pit Vidura in 2019, one of the most important lessons was about how to use goal setting and sprints to get things done.
“…as a business, we always have too much to do, and we used to spend a lot of time jumping from task to task. The introduction of the sprint allowed us to identify specific things and actions to focus on for the next two weeks and allowed us the time and focus to finish things. It made life easier, and we are still using it today.”

Anselme Andriamahavita, General Manager of Loowatt Sarl in Madagascar also received coaching from Peter to help him deliver his TRANSFORM project.
“I have learned how to get things done in a quick but beneficial way, which is something that is very important for our enterprise.”
We hope that all social enterprises can benefit from these tools and use them to strengthen their local teams.
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