New and expectant mothers need quality products, advice and support when it comes to maternal and child health. However, in many countries, these are often not available or reliable.
Malaica provides a midwife-led programme that offers support, guidance and resources to help pregnant women navigate pregnancy with confidence and ease.
TRANSFORM helped Bliss Group under the MumsVillage brand (changed to Malaica brand) to test the platform, with community members becoming micro-entrepreneurs selling products via the platform. This aimed to improve the livelihoods and health of low-income households by increasing mothers’ incomes, access to quality products and knowledge of maternal and child health.
In addition, TRANSFORM provided funding for a project which increased Bliss Group’s ability to offer critical COVID-19 health information and support on domestic violence. Through the digital platform, low-income women could access locally created COVID-19 content, government directives and antenatal support, and join various online group discussions. A ‘Villagepreneur’ e-commerce network of local female agents ensured continued access for its customers to critical household goods whilst the Villagepreneur agents themselves increased their earnings.
Get in touch with Bliss Group
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