Protection against mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue, remains patchy in many low-income areas of urban and rural Myanmar where government initiatives have not yet reached. In these parts of the country, people purchase consumer products such as sprays and coils to protect the home, and to try and avoid mosquito bites.
Kopernik is a non-profit organisation working to find ways to reduce poverty. By experimenting with potential solutions that address common challenges facing people living in the last mile, they undertake three core types of work: experimentation, last mile consulting and technology distribution. Kopernik partnered with TRANSFORM to develop and test disruptive market-based solutions for improved mosquito control in Myanmar.
The ICHP programme therefore aimed to combat the prevalence of malaria and dengue fever in urban and rural Myanmar. LivOpen was a Unilever innovation, started in Indonesia, which used a combination of net-based protection on doors, windows and beds to protect users from mosquitos. TRANSFORM partnered with Kopernik on the Integrated Community and Home Protection (ICHP) programme, to pilot sales and test routes to market in Myanmar.
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