Millions of low-income households lack access to reliable power or financing. d.light enables reliable power through solar energy solutions via pay-as-you-go (PAYG) technology that is affordable to low-income families in off-grid communities.
In collaboration with TRANSFORM, d.light piloted its solar energy business – designing, manufacturing, and delivering affordable solar-powered solutions to underserved communities – in six Kenyan counties based on mobile technology-enabled financing.
TRANSFORM’s funding helped recruit and train hundreds of employees, salespeople, commission-based agents and call centre agents, and increased distributors and retail outlets significantly. TRANSFORM also offered support through Unilever’s customer development team in East Africa, who helped d.light build a multi-channel go-to-market strategy for previously unreached customers. Less than a year later, in 2018, d.light had sold almost 40,000 units of its most advanced solar home system, the X850. In 2020, the company reached its founding goal of transforming 100 million lives, while also saving $4 billion in energy-related expenses.
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