Jeeon provides better healthcare and well-being to rural communities through a simple app that connects pharmacies to quality healthcare services, drugs and products, and upgrades them with knowledge and tools to better serve their patients, while also increasing their income. In an entirely new approach, Jeeon’s behaviour change communication (BCC) model will use decentralised private health providers, such as pharmacies, drugstores and village medics, to continuously promote healthy behaviours and increase demand. By tapping into the vast network of rural Informal Healthcare Providers (IHPs), it will develop and refine a physical distribution channel of new products designed for the health needs of Base-of-the-Pyramid (BoP) consumers in rural Bangladesh.

Get in touch with Jeeon
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Jeeon’s mission
In its mission, Jeeon identified two challenges: educating the population and creating demand for products; and creating an efficient supply chain to distribute these products nationwide. Jeeon’s aim is to onboard 3,000 IHPs, with a reach of 50,000 daily patients, and replicate the model in low-income communities across South Asia.

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