Women in rural Bangladesh do not have access to products and services commonly available for people in cities. This is due to poor availability, but also a lack of awareness. Women in rural Bangladesh also lack income generating opportunities.
The Dyuty project will use connectivity in rural Bangladesh to create a last mile distribution network of women entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs, or ‘Dyutys’, will earn an income by delivering a range of products and services to their friends and neighbours. These will include promotions that create demand for health, hygiene and wellbeing-related products, internet access and digital training.
Examples are awareness campaigns on hygiene products that subsequently are available to purchase, or internet service support: internet access that comes with instructions on how the internet can be used for example, for information on health, education or earning opportunities.
As a result, the Dyutys will be able to generate an income for themselves and their families, while improving the standard of living of their peers.
This TRANSFORM funded project is supported and implemented by Unilever Bangladesh, Microsoft and Bopinc.